





館(東京)、ホテル雅叙園東京などに収蔵。そして18年に中国北京対外友好協会、⽇中和平友好条約締結40周年記念イベントにて、書道揮毫パフォーマンスを披露。20年、強羅花壇(神奈川・箱根)にて作品展「海⽼原露巌の墨の世界」、21年にはキンプトンホテル東京にて、ROGEN SUMIART 展 Time for Dreamingを開催。また「書巌の会」を主宰している。





Text by Akiko Yamanaka


Appreciating the artistry of ‘calligraphy’ is not only about looking at the flat forms and characters written with a brush and understanding their meaning and content.

Calligraphy is an interactive visual art in which the speed, curvature, moisture, strength and weakness and the texture of the lines themselves have their own artistic qualities. ‘The calligrapher carries the changes in emotion with the motion of the brush, and the reader reads the intention of the brushstrokes.’ This is how calligrapher and ink artist Rogen Ebihara describes calligraphy.

His work embodies a philosophy that captures his accumulated views of humanity, the world, and nature. His calligraphy is full of an energy that expands the possibilities of the power of words and breaks down the stereotypes associated with them. His calligraphy has also been described by critics as ‘having a three-dimensional grasp of the letter and sculpting space with his brush.’

In 1986, he held his first solo exhibition at the Yurakucho Marion; in 1992, he presented “Wings” and “Bees” to Pope John Paul II in the “Audience Hall” of the Vatican Palace; in 1993, he wrote the calligraphy title for the NHK TV documentary “Spirit Songs, to the Bottom of the Earth – Coal Mine Folktales” and NHK drama “People of Zelkova Street”. He has produced many artworks for movies, stage performances, TV dramas, CD jackets, books, etc.

In 1994, he gave a calligraphy performance for the first time in Japan at “Sumi Art – Calligraphy for Music” event, and in 2011, he attended the commemorative ceremony for the Buddhist monk Ganjin Wajo at the invitation of Zhangjiagang City in Suzhou, China. In 2012, he was also appointed by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan to serve as a cultural ambassador to Italy, where he gave lectures and workshops at the University of Rome, the University of Milan, and the University of Venice, among other international and wide-ranging cultural exchanges.

His works are in the collections of the Canadian Museum of History, the Embassy of Japan in France, Daming Temple (China), Shaanxi Provincial Museum of History (China), the Embassy of Italy in Tokyo, and Hotel Gajoen Tokyo. In 2018, he gave a calligraphy performance at the Beijing Foreign Friendship Association in China and at an event commemorating the 40th anniversary of the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between China and Japan, and in 2020, he held an exhibition of his works, “The Sumi World of Rogen Ebihara” at Gora Kadan in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture.  In 2021, the ROGEN SUMIART Exhibition “Time for Dreaming” was held at the Kimpton Hotel Tokyo. He also presides over the “Shogen no Kai” (Society of Calligraphers).

He is also working in a contemporary art context, and what is remarkable about his work is the sense of creative beauty that is not bounded by notions of Eastern or Western elements. Rogen says, ‘I believe that all the cultures and accumulated knowledge we have absorbed in our lives will resonate with people and foster a greater understanding of art,’ suggesting that it is possible to build artistic bridges across the cultural boundaries between East and West.

In particular, He is known for skillfully making use of even accidental elements such as ink, the conditions of the paper, and climate to create beautifully rendered calligraphy in pale gradations. The innovation, spirituality, and classical elegance are combined in Rogen’s aesthetic, and his artistry never ceases to fascinate us. We sincerely hope that more people will be able to be present at the enchanting moments when his work is created.

Text by Akiko Yamanaka